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Hey John,
Nice blog! I'm not sure how I stumbled upon your "Flight Log" but enjoyed perusing the pictures and entries. Hope all is well and I'm sure we'll bump into one another soon.


August 22, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterCrawford Hoke

This content ought to be praised as it makes us believe as it really is. I follow quite a few blogs but I have never gone through such an amazing blog before. Honestly speaking I cherish following your work as it gives me inspiration.

April 22, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSteelers Jersey

Hello old friend. Glad to see fair weather has been yours. Life is but a moment. Tthere is no here- after. So let it burn with the hottest of flame. John W

March 25, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjohn weiss

John - Hamlin reposted your journal entry about his dad on his facebook page. I never tire of reading it. It is so true and so beautiffully written. Maybe it is the approach of his 40th birthday (2/17) that has him thinking of his dad.

Congratulations on your newest grandchild. They are such a joy! I cherish every moment with each of them.

Hopefully I will see you and Laura Lee in the near future at Ford. Love to you both, Lynne

February 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLynne Beattie

Mr. Samford,

Congratulations on Suzanne's wedding. I've only worked with her for a short time, but I already know how much everyone at the Herald loves and respects her. A week doesn't go by that I don't hear someone say - or say myself - how lucky we are to have her.

I've enjoyed your blog very much and thought your poem was poignant and very touching. I wish her and Bryant the very best and am sure they'll lead long and productive lives together.

Again, congratulations on the wedding and doing such a wonderful job raising such an intelligent, beautiful and talented daughter.

September 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEddie Ledbetter

I really appreciated your blog. though I haven't read it all yet. I laughed about your experiences with customs, and bureaucracy. And I concur re: the Peace and Plenty. The service there was HORRIBLE. We literally asked the waitress "Did we do something to uspet you? Then why are you treating us like we're shit?"

Keep it up man. Look forward to seeing you all again soon.


March 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJack Livingstone

Captain John,

The blog is not boring thus far. We're all enjoying living vicariously through you and the Snowhawk Crew and enjoy the mundane details. However, if you're in need of a little excitement to spice up the trip a bit, I shouldn't have to remind you of the wild nightlife West Palm Beach has to offer. Perhaps you can find a cook/galley wench while you're there as well. Keep up the good work. And where are the Krispy Kreme hats?

Johnny Boy

January 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJohnny Boy

Hello, my name is Daniel Also... And I happen to be in love with a girl called Emily... this text meant alot to me..thanks

December 8, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDaniel
Why are there not any entries? Aren't you still on the boat?
May 3, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLaura
Yo Captain John,
You be nice to your Perfect Deckhand! He has followed you to the wilderness of the Midwest and even gotton sick! What loyalty!
I can't wait to see STEEL MAGNOLIA in warmer and less "problematic" circumstances. NO Stablizers?!!! oh well, bring the magic pillS.
Take care of my Huzz and send him home soon!!!
Can't wait to debrief with you and LALEE (aka Moneypenny) when ya'll get back.
Nice Shorts!.... only in Europe..dad
October 2, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterDaniel
Captain Samford,

Due to a rather funny email from Suzanne earlier in the week I ventured to "Ship's Log" for the first time. I had a great time perusing the pictures and remembering the now legendary stories from the 03' Bahamas trip. Julie and I are now living right outside of Manhattan in Hoboken, NJ. I catch the water taxi to a from work each day crossing the Hudson River and the Statue of Liberty. The pic's from your trip to Maine mirror my scenery each day! Looking forward to the next Suladan (name?) and the stories to come. Keep us posted...

Mark Flippen
August 30, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterMark Flippen

you will soon have to add my own blog site to your site!

Hi John,

I think you should rename your title "Ship's Blog" :)
August 24, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterAlan
Hey, John; thought I would drop in on your blog. I was very impressed with your narrative ofCaptain's school and pictures of the Bayou La Batre area. Having lived in the Mobile area a couple of times in my life and being familiar with pre Katrina Bayou La Batre. I was almost moved to tears.

Take care, be safe and hurry up and get a boat!
July 14, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterUncle Randy
John: It was great having lunch with you at Demetries and hearing first hand of you weeks experience at Captian's school. I did however read your story again and continured with your last trip on the Suladan. I really think that the sea is in your blood and you should continue to look at the want ads for a replacement to the Suladan. jlovin
June 17, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterJLovin
Comment by: Visitor (6/3/2006 9:09:29 PM)
Hi John, and Happy Birthday!! Thanks for sending this sight to me - it is great. I looked at some of it, but will have to explore it more when I have time. We all miss the Suladan here at Ford, but I'm happy that she is in such good hands. Love, Laurie

Dad- What a beautiful sight you have here (excellent pictures also). I, too, am sad to say goodbye to the Suladan. We sure had some amazing adventures on that boat....Remember the Mexican shuffle when you were purchasing the boat?! I must say that I'm glad the new owners will take such good care of her. I am also pleased that they decided to keep her original name. Keep us all posted on your adventures to come. I laughed out loud as I read your entry. Very well done! Love and miss you- Suzanne

Published By Suzanne9225 - May 22 5:14 PM

John - thanks for the kind comments on our culinary skills (since we have no yachting skills...) We had a great time as well and will look forward to you and Laura Lee visiting the west coast. As I mentioned, we have a 3 bedroom house and you are welcome to stay here anytime (however we may limit your grappa consumption now that I am finally, officially unemployed.

Cindy and I are heading off to Peru for the month of June including a five day trek through the mountains ending up at Machu Piccu so we are really looking forward to that. Meanwhile, should hopefully get home just in time to see Suladan in Ensenada. I am working on figuring out where to do a travel blog, probably either here or at travelpod.com and will email you when it is all set up. Enjoy the summer and we will see you soon!

Larry and Cindy

Published By Larry and Cindy Recht - May 17 7:52 PM

Your blog is just great. It's sad to think that we are losing such a great boat that has given us such great adventures, but all fun must come to an end, sooner or later. In our case it is sooner than later. I wish I had more trips on the good ole Suladan, but I have many memories.
Daddy, I love your blog. I hope you will keep on writing on all your adventures to come. I love you and will see you and Laura Lee soon!

Published By Laura - March 25 8:02 PM

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