Still Flying
Sunday, September 22, 2013 at 11:27PM
John Samford in Flying, Journal

So here’s a shout out to my friend David Ovson who claims to be a reader and follower of the plane. I ran into David the other day and he questioned why FlightAware had me flying to Auburn last weekend without showing a return trip. No, I’m not still in Auburn. We flew down to the game VFR with flight following and got put into the system. On the trip home, Air Traffic Control was too busy to enter us fully into the system so FlightAware had no idea we departed. Atlanta Center did give us radar following until we were close enough to call Birmingham Approach to watch us home. While I usually file IFR flight plans to get radar traffic advisories on entire trips, that was not the best idea flying into a game at Auburn as they were all too busy to be much help, and the weather was great.

Tomorrow morning I will fly back to Savannah (to the airport at Wright Field in Hinesville where I keep the plane). I have already filed an IFR flight Plan for traffic advisories, and to keep David happy as he follows me along. I’ll try to do a better job of updating the blog. Let’s have lunch when I’m back in Birmingham David.

Article originally appeared on John Samford's Blog (
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