Monday Evening — Midnight
Upon my arrival at Punta Cana today just after noon, Alvin was there to meet me at the airport, but my luggage was nowhere to be found. Fortunately, it was on the next flight arriving around 2:30, and we had to be back at the airport to pick up David Dunnam, on the same flight. Alvin and I killed some time getting groceries and returned to the airport for David and my bag. We then drove to Cap Cana and, with barely a minute to look around, we checked out with customs and immediately headed out to sea, departing around 4 pm.
We started at the far east end of the island and ran a couple of hours north to round the bend and start heading west. We are running downwind with the trades at 10 knots and we’ve had 3 to 4 foot swells from the aft quarter with very little wind waves. The ride is fairly smooth with a bright almost full moon overhead. I’ve just come off duty to get some sleep and we should be arriving early in the morning. There we’ll refuel and begin the long run to Marathon, in the Florida Keys, where we should arrive Friday morning. Blog posts will be minimal this trip because we’ll have no internet access from tomorrow morning until Friday in the Keys. I’ll still be sending position reports which you can follow by clicking “Follow the Current Trip” on the left side of this page.
5:30 a.m. Tuesday
Awoke when the engines slowed for our arrival. We just pulled into Ocean World Marina in Puerto Plata. Perhaps more later.