Writer's Block
Wednesday, April 11, 2007 at 07:00PM
John Samford in Journal

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Log: 1548

Bay Point Marina, Panama City, Florida

Either I’m suffering from writer’s block or there’s simply not much to write about, but I don’t want to bore anyone so I’ll just give you a quick report and get back to you when I have something to say.

We moved from Lulu’s in Gulf Shores to the “Legendary Marina” in Ft. Walton on Tuesday. It is the most expensive marina I’ve stayed in short of a resort like Key West. They charged $3.00 a foot to tie up for the night while most marinas average one or two dollars. Perhaps it is because they are within walking distance of Sammy’s and “Club 10”, two of the finer establishments of Ft. Walton Beach. Today we moved on to Panama City to Bay Point Marina. We are traveling “inside” on the Intracoastal Waterway since winds and seas have been high.

Tomorrow, we’ll move on to Apalachicola where we have to leave the Intracoastal and travel about 150 nautical miles across the “Big Bend” of Florida to Clearwater. We’re hoping for a brief window of calm weather because winds and seas are forecast to be rough this weekend.

Someone asked me what the “Log” entry means at the top of each entry. It is simply an odometer of nautical miles traveled since I bought the boat. When we left Mobile, the Log was at 1398. Now it’s at 1548. You can do the math.

I’ll keep you posted on our whereabouts…and if I have anything worthwhile to report, I’ll certainly do so.

Article originally appeared on John Samford's Blog (http://www.johnsamford.com/).
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